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I am an Assistant Professor (RTDb) at the Department of Economics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice
and Visiting Researcher Affiliate
 at the Department of Geography & Environment of the
London School of Economics

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Selected publications


FDI inflows in Europe: Does investment promotion work?Journal of International Economics


Can investment promotion efforts attract FDI towards areas and sectors that would not otherwise be targeted? FDI respond to the attraction strategies of Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs), even in advanced economies. Sub-national IPAs, operating in closer proximity to investors' operations, attract FDI in particular towards less developed areas where market and institutional failures are stronger. (with R. Crescenzi and M. Giua)


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Organized crime, captured politicians, and the allocation of public resources Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization


What is the impact of collusion between members of criminal organisations and politicians on local public finances? Mafia groups exploit the collusion with local politicians in order to distort the allocation of public resources towards investment sectors of strategic interest for the criminal business. (with N. Mastrorocco)



It's not about the money. EU funds, local opportunities, and Euroscepticism Regional Science and Urban Economics


What influences citizens' dissent for EU integration? EU Structural Funds do not seem to impact voters' support for the EU. Conversely, EU funds mitigate Euroscepticism only if they are coupled by tangible improvements in local labour conditions. Money cannot buy love for the EU, but its capacity to generate local opportunities certainly can. (with R. Crescenzi and M. Giua)


The impact of EU Objective 1 funds on regional development: Evidence from the UK and the prospect of Brexit.  Journal of Regional Science


Have UK poorer regions made good use of EU Structural Funds? And what will a discontinuation of financial support from the EU - a consequence of Brexit - entail? The interruption of funding might undermine all labour market and economic gains achieved during the period of EU financial support.

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